SPC Fundamental Aïkido : Association d'Aïkido de Saint Pierre de Plesguen - Combourg
NB : The mandatory fields are in (not translated) red (not translated)
Name: (not translated)
First name: (not translated)
Nickname: (not translated)
Title: (not translated) Not supplied (not translated) M. Mme. Mlle
Birth date: (not translated) (yyyy-mm-dd format) (not translated)
Gender: (not translated) Unspecified (not translated) Man (not translated) Woman (not translated)
Profession: (not translated)
Language: (not translated) العربية Català Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Norsk bokmål
Birthplace: (not translated)
Username: (not translated) (at least 2 characters) (not translated)
Password: (not translated) A link will be sent to you if you have provided an email address. Otherwise, you can use this password to login, and we recommend you to change it as soon as possible. (not translated) Please repeat in the field the password shown in the image. (not translated)
Address: (not translated) Address (continuation) (not translated)
Zip Code: (not translated)
City: (not translated)
Country: (not translated)
Mobile phone: (not translated)
E-Mail: (not translated)
NOM Prénom (not translated)
Tél. domicile/Mobile (not translated)
Autorisation droit image (not translated) Select an option (not translated) OUI NON
Grade (not translated) Select an option (not translated) Aucun 8ème KYU 7ème KYU 6ème KYU 5ème KYU 4ème KYU 3ème KYU 2ème KYU 1er KYU Shodan Nidan Sandan Yodan